中国茶艺Chinese Tea Art

为与日本茶道、韩国茶礼相区别,1977年台湾众多学者共同提出 “茶艺” 这一概念,并于1978年在台北和高雄分别成立茶艺协会,1982年成立全台茶艺团体“中华茶艺协会”。 台湾茶艺带动了本土茶叶产业的发展,如茶艺师培训的教育事业、茶艺表演的演艺业、茶文化的出版业。台湾的茶艺在中国大陆改革开放之后,很快传入内地,并在茶行业内迅速传播,对大陆茶文化的内容提供了重要的补充。
In order to distinguish it from Japanese tea ceremony and Korean tea ceremony, many scholars in Taiwan jointly proposed the concept of “tea art” in 1977. In 1978, Tea Art Associations were established in Taipei and Kaohsiung respectively. In 1982, the tea culture group “Chinese Tea Art Association” was established. Taiwan tea art has driven the development of the local tea industry, such as tea artist training, tea art performance, and the publishing industry of tea culture. After the reform and opening up in mainland China, Taiwan's tea art was quickly introduced to the mainland and spread rapidly in the tea industry, providing an important supplement to the content of the mainland tea culture.
Tea art is a comprehensive art with inclusive, wide-ranging and profound knowledge and culture, covering various traditional and modern arts such as tea art, aesthetics, literature, religion, philosophy, ethics, morality, folklore, etc. and integrating ceramics, flower arrangements, paintings, music, architecture, decoration, performance together. It benefits and enlightens us in many ways.
Tea art performance is a way for tea artists to showcase tea techniques, methods and art of tea tasting. Due to the different regions, ethnic groups and tea types, the performances are currently in the prosperous period with brilliant points respectively. however, various tea parties, tea culture festivals and tea art houses want to perform tea art according to their own characteristics with their utilitarian purposes, and thus some performances are contrary to the spirit of tea art.